US Submarines that served in Vietnam
Most of the submarine operations in Vietnam are still classified or untold.
American submarines in the Gulf of Tonkin picked up downed flyers, conducted surveillance, and provided other services.
  Listed are the known US Submarines that served in Vietnam. 
From 1 July 1958 to 3July 1965 the
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal was awarded for Vietnam service.

From 3 July 1965 to 3 June 1974 the Vietnam Service Medal was awarded for service in Vietnam.



USS Aspro (SSN-648)              V2

USS Barb (SSN-596)                V2

USS Barbel (SS580)                 V4

USS Bashaw (SS241)         A2-V2

USS Baya (AGSS318)              V2

USS Blackfin (SS-322)       A2-V3

USS Blueback (SS-581)           V2

USS Bluegill (SS-242)        A4-V3

USS Bonefish (SS-582)            V4

USS Bream (SS243)           A4-V3

USS Bugara (SS331)          A1-V3

USS Caiman (SS323)         A1-V4

USS Capitaine (SS336)      A2      

USS Carbonero (SS-337)   A1-V2

USS Catfish (SS339)          A2-V2

USS Cusk (SS348)                   V4

USS Char (SS328)              A2      

USS Darter (SS576)                  V1

USS Grayback (LPSS-574)     * V1

USS Greenfish (SS351)       A1-V4

USS Guardfish (SSN-612)         V1

USS Gudgeon (SS567)              V2

USS Haddock (SSN-621)           V1
USS Harder (SS568)                    V3

USS Hawkbill (SSN666)            V1

USS Medregal (SS-480)       A1

USS Menhaden (SS-377)          V4

USS Perch (SS-313)            A1-V1

USS Permit (SSN-594)              V2

USS Pickerel (SS524)          A1-V2

USS Pogy (SSN647)                  V1

USS Pomfret (SS-391)               V1

USS Pomodon (SS-486)      A4-V2

USS Pickerel (SS-524)         A1-V2

USS Plunger (SSN595)              V2

USS Puffer (SSN652)                 V2

USS Raton (AGSS270)              V1

USS Rasher (SS-269)           A1-V1

USS Razorback (SS-394)     A2-V4

USS Redfish (SS395)                 V2

USS Remora (SS487)                 V2

USS Rock (AGSS274)                V3

USS Ronquil (SS-396)           A1-V1


USS Sablo (SS302)               A3-V4

USS Sailfish (SSR-572)               V1

USS Salmon (SSR-573)         A2-V6

USS Sargo (SSN-583)            A2-V1

USS Scamp (SSN-588)                V3

USS Sculpin (SSN590)                 V1

USS Sea Fox (SS-402)           A1-V1

USS Segundo (SS398)         A4-V3

USS Seadragon (SSN-584)    A2-V3

USS Snook (SSN-592)                  V2

USS Spinax (SS489)               A3-V2

USS Swordfish (SSN-579)           V2

USS Tautog (SSN639)                 V1

USS Tang (SS-563)               A1-V4

USS Tiru (SS-416)                  A3-V2
USS Trigger (SS-564)                  V1

USS Trout (SS-566)                     V2

USS Tunny (SS-282)                   V2

USS Volador (SS490)            A1-V3

USS Wahoo (SS-565)             A1 V2

*  Submarine operations explained

A shipmate of mine tried his best to explain to a friend of his (who was a skimmer) about Bubbleheads. This is the best explanation I've ever seen:

Yes, on the sub I was on we did do some of the stuff we did, and we didn't do some of the other stuff we did, because if we did do it, it was secret, so we didn't really do it. Even though we did. But not really.

Those medals me and my shipmates got that we didn't get for doing what we didn't do that we did, I really got those. Except not. But yeah. That's because we never went where we were, so we weren't there where we were. And even though we weren't where we were, we did do the stuff we didn't do while we weren't there, not doing it.

As for what boat we were on when we didn't go there on it, and didn't do the stuff we did while not doing that either, apparently I'm not supposed to even mention the USS Grayback LPSS-574 because I guess I'm not allowed to refer to the Grayback for security reasons, so I won't do that. Mention the USS Grayback LPSS-574 I mean. 

The other stuff, it's okay for me to not mention that too. So the bottom line is that while we weren't on the USS Grayback LPSS-574, which I'm not going to mention, not doing what we were doing where we weren't, we didn't do that either. I hope this clarifies things for ya.


After having re-read the above, the only thing I can think of that's left to say is that now you have me scared, because I sound like a Congressman. But I'm not. I really was a submariner, though. Can you tell?


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